※ Download: When is siesta key season 2
The tv show goes through the scandalous love along with heartbreak and drama between the group as one gets dragged into watching their spontaneous, lavish life style. Chloe takes actions upon herself to try to fix her anger and destructive behavior. Kelsey better watch her back.
About Siesta Key Siesta Key Season 1B released January 15, 2018. Could it be possible that Paige and Canvas are the one happy couple on the island?
- Retrieved February 13, 2018. We need one couple to survive The Key in one piece.
Plus, the latest on her relationships with Kelsey, Chloe, Garrett AND Hannah! Juliette Porter had a LOT of ups and downs on this season of. The rest of the season, we saw her get major criticism from other cast members for getting back with Alex, considering their rocky past. Her friendship with bestie, Hannah Starr, even started falling apart after Hannah about the relationship. In the finale, Alex and Juliette had a blowout fight, her driving away in tears. However, from social media, we know that Alex and Juliette were able to patch things up and work it out. Where do you stand with Hannah? We actually kind of just worked through it the other day. It hurts to hear your friends say that stuff because you want to be able to go to them and you want them to be able to feel like they can come to you. Is it awkward now with the tension between Hannah and Alex? It can be awkward sometimes. You and Chloe fought and made up a lot this season. Chloe and I are so back and forth. You and Kelsey had a lot of drama at the beginning of the season because of Garrett. Do you still have beef? I get along with her more than I get along with Chloe sometimes! Your fling with Garrett ended when you got back with Alex. Do you guys still have any sort of relationship?
We would inform you if new information shows up about Siesta Key Season 2. He needed Carson to be there to referee this thing. Juliette and Alex have a fight leaving us wondering what their fate would be after Season. The most interesting thing is that they are hanging on with an unnamed male character. You and Chloe fought and made up a lot this season. Because those two guys in the kitchen were definitely not the brand that he needed to be. Instead, I had to take a shot while Garrett reminded her that he was a nice guy who loves washing cars shirtless.